Der Sage nach ist Kaiser Barbarossa nicht gestorben, sondern schläft in einem unterirdischen Schloss, solange die Raben um den Berg fliegen. Er sitzt an einem Tisch von Marmorstein, durch den im Laufe der vielen Jahrhunderte sein roter Bart gewachsen sein soll. Die Barbarossahöhle in Rottleben ist ein würdiger Aufenthaltsort von "Kaiser Rotbart". Dort sind im "Tanzsaal" der Höhle Tisch und Stuhl des Kaisers zu sehen. Weit sichtbar erhebt sich das Kyffhäuserdenkmal in Steinthaleben, gewidmet Kaiser Wilhelm I. Das Denkmal ist nach dem Völkerschlachtdenkmal in Leipzig das zweitgrößte seiner Art in Deutschland. Schloss Heringen, als Wasserburg im 12. Jahrhundert errichtet, beherbergt heute unter anderem ein Museum, eine Puppensammlung und Sonderausstellungen. "Ich weiß keine Stadt am Harze oder sonst, welche sich dem Evangelio so bald unterworfen als die Stadt Nordhausen, dass wird sie vor Gott und allen anderen in jenem Leben Ehre haben." Mit diesen Worten äußert sich Martin Luther lobend über den frühen Beginn der Reformation in der Stadt. Eine Visitationsreise führt Martin Luther das erste Mal am 30. Mai 1516 über Gotha und Langensalza nach Nordhausen. 1522 erreicht die Reformation Nordhausen. Der Prior des Augustinerklosters, Lorenz Süße, hält in St. Petri die erste protestantische Predigt in der Stadt. Auch Thomas Müntzer hält sich in diesem Jahr längere Zeit in Nordhausen auf. Der Rat der Stadt Nordhausen beschließt am 26. September 1524 die Durchführung der Reformation. Johannes Spangenberg wird Pfarrer von St. Blasii. Am 22. April 1525 predigt Martin Luther bei seinem zweiten Aufenthalt gegen die aufrührerischen Bauern und Anhänger Thomas Müntzers und treibt so, wie auch in vielen anderen Städten, die Reformation voran. In Lorenz Süße und Michael Meyenburg findet Luther zwei Mitstreiter, die sich der Reformation verschrieben haben. Das Museum "Flohburg" würdigt in seiner Dauerausstellung treibende Kräfte der Reformation, wie die mit Luther und Melanchthon befreundeten Mitstreiter Justus Jonas, Bürgermeister Michael Meyenburg oder Pfarrer Lorenz Süße.  Der Lutherwegabschnitt durch Nordhausen erinnert mit 11 Tafeln an bedeutenden Orten an die Reformation. Die Kirche St. Blasii ist die größte evangelische Kirche der Stadt und wurde 1234 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt. Sehenswert ist der Taufstein, eine Stiftung aus dem Jahre 1591. Von November bis März ist die Kirche außerhalb der Gottesdienstzeiten samstags und sonntags von 14.30 Uhr bis 16.30 Uhr geöffnet. Am Holzmarkt in Nordhausen, dem heutigen Lutherplatz, wurde Justus Jonas geboren. Unweit seines Geburtshauses befand sich die Ratsapotheke. in deren Räumen sich Ratsmitglieder und Bürger, die Neues von den Lehren Luthers erfahren wollten, trafen. Die weniger an religiösen Themen als an humanistischem Gedankengut Interessierten versammelten sich im Haus des Stadtsyndikus Michael Meyenburg. Justus Jonas, ein Verfechter der humanistischen Ideale, wandte sich Luthers Ideen zu und begleitete diesen 1521 zum Reichstag in Worms.

Legend has it that Emperor Barbarossa is not dead; he is just sleeping in an underground palace and will continue to do so for as long as ravens fly around the mountain. Over the course of time, his red beard has grown into the marble table at which he sits. The Barbarossa Cave in Rottleben is a worthy abode for the red-bearded emperor. In the ‘Tanzsaal’ (ballroom) of the cave you can see his table and chair. The Kyffhäuser Monument in Steinthaleben is dedicated to Emperor William I and can be seen from far and wide. After the Monument to the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig (Völkerschlachtdenkmal), this is the second largest monument of its kind in Germany. Heringen Castle, a moated castle built in the 12th century, today houses a museum, a doll collection and special exhibitions. “I know of no other town in the Harz region – or anywhere else – that submitted so quickly to Protestantism than the town of Nordhausen. For this they shall be rewarded by God and all others in this life”. With these words, Martin Luther praised the early adoption of the Reformation in Nordhausen. He first visited the town on 30 May 1516 as part of a journey that took him there via Gotha and Langensalza. The Reformation movement reached Nordhausen in 1522 and the Prior of the Augustinian Monastery, Lorenz Süße, gave the town’s first Protestant sermon at St Petri‘s. Thomas Müntzer also spent quite a lot of time in Nordhausen that year. On the 26 September 1524, the town council decided to carry out the Reformation and Johannes Spangenberg was made priest of St Blasii. On 22 April 1525, on his second visit to Nordhausen, Martin Luther preached against the rebellious peasants and supporters of Thomas Müntzer and thus drove the Reformation forward, as he did in many other towns. In Lorenz Süße and Michael Meyenburg, Luther found two allies who were committed to the Reformation. The permanent exhibition at the ‘Flohburg’ museum pays homage to the driving forces behind the Reformation such as Luther and Melanchthon’s friends Justus Jonas, Mayor Michael Meyenburg and the priest Lorenz Süße. This section of the Luther Trail through Nordhausen features 11 information boards at significant Reformation sites. The Church of St Blasii is the town’s largest Protestant church and was first mentioned in 1234. The baptismal font was donated to the church in 1591 and is worth seeing. From November to March, the church is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 2:30 pm until 4:30 pm when no services are held. Justus Jonas was born at Holzmarkt in Nordhausen – today known as Lutherplatz square. Not far from the house where he was born is the Ratsapotheke pharmacy where members of the town council and citizens met to find out news of Luther’s teachings. Those who were more interested in humanitarian ideas than religious ones met at the house of the town’s legal adviser Michael Meyenburg. Justus Jonas, a defender of humanitarian ideals, adopted Luther's ideas and accompanied the man himself to the Diet of Worms in 1521.

Der Sage nach ist Kaiser Barbarossa nicht gestorben, sondern schläft in einem unterirdischen Schloss, solange die Raben um den Berg fliegen. Er sitzt an einem Tisch von Marmorstein, durch den im Laufe der vielen Jahrhunderte sein roter Bart gewachsen sein soll. Die Barbarossahöhle in Rottleben ist ein würdiger Aufenthaltsort von "Kaiser Rotbart". Dort sind im "Tanzsaal" der Höhle Tisch und Stuhl des Kaisers zu sehen.
<p>Weit sichtbar erhebt sich das Kyffhäuserdenkmal in Steinthaleben, gewidmet Kaiser Wilhelm I. Das Denkmal ist nach dem Völkerschlachtdenkmal in Leipzig das zweitgrößte seiner Art in Deutschland.</p>
<p>Schloss Heringen, als Wasserburg im 12. Jahrhundert errichtet, beherbergt heute unter anderem ein Museum, eine Puppensammlung und Sonderausstellungen.</p>
<p>"Ich weiß keine Stadt am Harze oder sonst, welche sich dem Evangelio so bald unterworfen als die Stadt Nordhausen, dass wird sie vor Gott und allen anderen in jenem Leben Ehre haben." Mit diesen Worten äußert sich Martin Luther lobend über den frühen Beginn der Reformation in der Stadt. Eine Visitationsreise führt Martin Luther das erste Mal am 30. Mai 1516 über Gotha und Langensalza nach Nordhausen. 1522 erreicht die Reformation Nordhausen. Der Prior des Augustinerklosters, Lorenz Süße, hält in St. Petri die erste protestantische Predigt in der Stadt. Auch Thomas Müntzer hält sich in diesem Jahr längere Zeit in Nordhausen auf. Der Rat der Stadt Nordhausen beschließt am 26. September 1524 die Durchführung der Reformation. Johannes Spangenberg wird Pfarrer von St. Blasii.</p>
<p>Am 22. April 1525 predigt Martin Luther bei seinem zweiten Aufenthalt gegen die aufrührerischen Bauern und Anhänger Thomas Müntzers und treibt so, wie auch in vielen anderen Städten, die Reformation voran. In Lorenz Süße und Michael Meyenburg findet Luther zwei Mitstreiter, die sich der Reformation verschrieben haben. Das Museum "Flohburg" würdigt in seiner Dauerausstellung treibende Kräfte der Reformation, wie die mit Luther und Melanchthon befreundeten Mitstreiter Justus Jonas, Bürgermeister Michael Meyenburg oder Pfarrer Lorenz Süße. </p>
<p>Der Lutherwegabschnitt durch Nordhausen erinnert mit 11 Tafeln an bedeutenden Orten an die Reformation. Die Kirche St. Blasii ist die größte evangelische Kirche der Stadt und wurde 1234 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt. Sehenswert ist der Taufstein, eine Stiftung aus dem Jahre 1591. Von November bis März ist die Kirche außerhalb der Gottesdienstzeiten samstags und sonntags von 14.30 Uhr bis 16.30 Uhr geöffnet. Am Holzmarkt in Nordhausen, dem heutigen Lutherplatz, wurde Justus Jonas geboren. Unweit seines Geburtshauses befand sich die Ratsapotheke. in deren Räumen sich Ratsmitglieder und Bürger, die Neues von den Lehren Luthers erfahren wollten, trafen. Die weniger an religiösen Themen als an humanistischem Gedankengut Interessierten versammelten sich im Haus des Stadtsyndikus Michael Meyenburg. Justus Jonas, ein Verfechter der humanistischen Ideale, wandte sich Luthers Ideen zu und begleitete diesen 1521 zum Reichstag in Worms.</p>
Legend has it that Emperor Barbarossa is not dead; he is just sleeping in an underground palace and will continue to do so for as long as ravens fly around the mountain. Over the course of time, his red beard has grown into the marble table at which he sits. The Barbarossa Cave in Rottleben is a worthy abode for the red-bearded emperor. In the ‘Tanzsaal’ (ballroom) of the cave you can see his table and chair.
<p>The Kyffhäuser Monument in Steinthaleben is dedicated to Emperor William I and can be seen from far and wide. After the Monument to the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig (Völkerschlachtdenkmal), this is the second largest monument of its kind in Germany.</p>
<p>Heringen Castle, a moated castle built in the 12th century, today houses a museum, a doll collection and special exhibitions.</p>
<p>“I know of no other town in the Harz region – or anywhere else – that submitted so quickly to Protestantism than the town of Nordhausen. For this they shall be rewarded by God and all others in this life”. With these words, Martin Luther praised the early adoption of the Reformation in Nordhausen. He first visited the town on 30 May 1516 as part of a journey that took him there via Gotha and Langensalza. The Reformation movement reached Nordhausen in 1522 and the Prior of the Augustinian Monastery, Lorenz Süße, gave the town’s first Protestant sermon at St Petri‘s. Thomas Müntzer also spent quite a lot of time in Nordhausen that year. On the 26 September 1524, the town council decided to carry out the Reformation and Johannes Spangenberg was made priest of St Blasii.</p>
<p>On 22 April 1525, on his second visit to Nordhausen, Martin Luther preached against the rebellious peasants and supporters of Thomas Müntzer and thus drove the Reformation forward, as he did in many other towns. In Lorenz Süße and Michael Meyenburg, Luther found two allies who were committed to the Reformation. The permanent exhibition at the ‘Flohburg’ museum pays homage to the driving forces behind the Reformation such as Luther and Melanchthon’s friends Justus Jonas, Mayor Michael Meyenburg and the priest Lorenz Süße.</p>
<p>This section of the Luther Trail through Nordhausen features 11 information boards at significant Reformation sites. The Church of St Blasii is the town’s largest Protestant church and was first mentioned in 1234. The baptismal font was donated to the church in 1591 and is worth seeing. From November to March, the church is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 2:30 pm until 4:30 pm when no services are held. Justus Jonas was born at Holzmarkt in Nordhausen – today known as Lutherplatz square. Not far from the house where he was born is the Ratsapotheke pharmacy where members of the town council and citizens met to find out news of Luther’s teachings. Those who were more interested in humanitarian ideas than religious ones met at the house of the town’s legal adviser Michael Meyenburg. Justus Jonas, a defender of humanitarian ideals, adopted Luther's ideas and accompanied the man himself to the Diet of Worms in 1521.</p>

Der Sage nach ist Kaiser Barbarossa nicht gestorben, sondern schläft in einem unterirdischen Schloss, solange die Raben um den Berg fliegen. Er sitzt an einem Tisch von Marmorstein, durch den im Laufe der vielen Jahrhunderte sein roter Bart gewachsen sein soll. Die Barbarossahöhle in Rottleben ist ein würdiger Aufenthaltsort von "Kaiser Rotbart". Dort sind im "Tanzsaal" der Höhle Tisch und Stuhl des Kaisers zu sehen. Weit sichtbar erhebt sich das Kyffhäuserdenkmal in Steinthaleben, gewidmet Kaiser Wilhelm I. Das Denkmal ist nach dem Völkerschlachtdenkmal in Leipzig das zweitgrößte seiner Art in Deutschland. Schloss Heringen, als Wasserburg im 12. Jahrhundert errichtet, beherbergt heute unter anderem ein Museum, eine Puppensammlung und Sonderausstellungen. "Ich weiß keine Stadt am Harze oder sonst, welche sich dem Evangelio so bald unterworfen als die Stadt Nordhausen, dass wird sie vor Gott und allen anderen in jenem Leben Ehre haben." Mit diesen Worten äußert sich Martin Luther lobend über den frühen Beginn der Reformation in der Stadt. Eine Visitationsreise führt Martin Luther das erste Mal am 30. Mai 1516 über Gotha und Langensalza nach Nordhausen. 1522 erreicht die Reformation Nordhausen. Der Prior des Augustinerklosters, Lorenz Süße, hält in St. Petri die erste protestantische Predigt in der Stadt. Auch Thomas Müntzer hält sich in diesem Jahr längere Zeit in Nordhausen auf. Der Rat der Stadt Nordhausen beschließt am 26. September 1524 die Durchführung der Reformation. Johannes Spangenberg wird Pfarrer von St. Blasii. Am 22. April 1525 predigt Martin Luther bei seinem zweiten Aufenthalt gegen die aufrührerischen Bauern und Anhänger Thomas Müntzers und treibt so, wie auch in vielen anderen Städten, die Reformation voran. In Lorenz Süße und Michael Meyenburg findet Luther zwei Mitstreiter, die sich der Reformation verschrieben haben. Das Museum "Flohburg" würdigt in seiner Dauerausstellung treibende Kräfte der Reformation, wie die mit Luther und Melanchthon befreundeten Mitstreiter Justus Jonas, Bürgermeister Michael Meyenburg oder Pfarrer Lorenz Süße.  Der Lutherwegabschnitt durch Nordhausen erinnert mit 11 Tafeln an bedeutenden Orten an die Reformation. Die Kirche St. Blasii ist die größte evangelische Kirche der Stadt und wurde 1234 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt. Sehenswert ist der Taufstein, eine Stiftung aus dem Jahre 1591. Von November bis März ist die Kirche außerhalb der Gottesdienstzeiten samstags und sonntags von 14.30 Uhr bis 16.30 Uhr geöffnet. Am Holzmarkt in Nordhausen, dem heutigen Lutherplatz, wurde Justus Jonas geboren. Unweit seines Geburtshauses befand sich die Ratsapotheke. in deren Räumen sich Ratsmitglieder und Bürger, die Neues von den Lehren Luthers erfahren wollten, trafen. Die weniger an religiösen Themen als an humanistischem Gedankengut Interessierten versammelten sich im Haus des Stadtsyndikus Michael Meyenburg. Justus Jonas, ein Verfechter der humanistischen Ideale, wandte sich Luthers Ideen zu und begleitete diesen 1521 zum Reichstag in Worms.

Legend has it that Emperor Barbarossa is not dead; he is just sleeping in an underground palace and will continue to do so for as long as ravens fly around the mountain. Over the course of time, his red beard has grown into the marble table at which he sits. The Barbarossa Cave in Rottleben is a worthy abode for the red-bearded emperor. In the ‘Tanzsaal’ (ballroom) of the cave you can see his table and chair. The Kyffhäuser Monument in Steinthaleben is dedicated to Emperor William I and can be seen from far and wide. After the Monument to the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig (Völkerschlachtdenkmal), this is the second largest monument of its kind in Germany. Heringen Castle, a moated castle built in the 12th century, today houses a museum, a doll collection and special exhibitions. “I know of no other town in the Harz region – or anywhere else – that submitted so quickly to Protestantism than the town of Nordhausen. For this they shall be rewarded by God and all others in this life”. With these words, Martin Luther praised the early adoption of the Reformation in Nordhausen. He first visited the town on 30 May 1516 as part of a journey that took him there via Gotha and Langensalza. The Reformation movement reached Nordhausen in 1522 and the Prior of the Augustinian Monastery, Lorenz Süße, gave the town’s first Protestant sermon at St Petri‘s. Thomas Müntzer also spent quite a lot of time in Nordhausen that year. On the 26 September 1524, the town council decided to carry out the Reformation and Johannes Spangenberg was made priest of St Blasii. On 22 April 1525, on his second visit to Nordhausen, Martin Luther preached against the rebellious peasants and supporters of Thomas Müntzer and thus drove the Reformation forward, as he did in many other towns. In Lorenz Süße and Michael Meyenburg, Luther found two allies who were committed to the Reformation. The permanent exhibition at the ‘Flohburg’ museum pays homage to the driving forces behind the Reformation such as Luther and Melanchthon’s friends Justus Jonas, Mayor Michael Meyenburg and the priest Lorenz Süße. This section of the Luther Trail through Nordhausen features 11 information boards at significant Reformation sites. The Church of St Blasii is the town’s largest Protestant church and was first mentioned in 1234. The baptismal font was donated to the church in 1591 and is worth seeing. From November to March, the church is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 2:30 pm until 4:30 pm when no services are held. Justus Jonas was born at Holzmarkt in Nordhausen – today known as Lutherplatz square. Not far from the house where he was born is the Ratsapotheke pharmacy where members of the town council and citizens met to find out news of Luther’s teachings. Those who were more interested in humanitarian ideas than religious ones met at the house of the town’s legal adviser Michael Meyenburg. Justus Jonas, a defender of humanitarian ideals, adopted Luther's ideas and accompanied the man himself to the Diet of Worms in 1521.

Der Sage nach ist Kaiser Barbarossa nicht gestorben, sondern schläft in einem unterirdischen Schloss, solange die Raben um den Berg fliegen. Er sitzt an einem Tisch von Marmorstein, durch den im Laufe der vielen Jahrhunderte sein roter Bart gewachsen sein soll. Die Barbarossahöhle in Rottleben ist ein würdiger Aufenthaltsort von "Kaiser Rotbart". Dort sind im "Tanzsaal" der Höhle Tisch und Stuhl des Kaisers zu sehen.
<p>Weit sichtbar erhebt sich das Kyffhäuserdenkmal in Steinthaleben, gewidmet Kaiser Wilhelm I. Das Denkmal ist nach dem Völkerschlachtdenkmal in Leipzig das zweitgrößte seiner Art in Deutschland.</p>
<p>Schloss Heringen, als Wasserburg im 12. Jahrhundert errichtet, beherbergt heute unter anderem ein Museum, eine Puppensammlung und Sonderausstellungen.</p>
<p>"Ich weiß keine Stadt am Harze oder sonst, welche sich dem Evangelio so bald unterworfen als die Stadt Nordhausen, dass wird sie vor Gott und allen anderen in jenem Leben Ehre haben." Mit diesen Worten äußert sich Martin Luther lobend über den frühen Beginn der Reformation in der Stadt. Eine Visitationsreise führt Martin Luther das erste Mal am 30. Mai 1516 über Gotha und Langensalza nach Nordhausen. 1522 erreicht die Reformation Nordhausen. Der Prior des Augustinerklosters, Lorenz Süße, hält in St. Petri die erste protestantische Predigt in der Stadt. Auch Thomas Müntzer hält sich in diesem Jahr längere Zeit in Nordhausen auf. Der Rat der Stadt Nordhausen beschließt am 26. September 1524 die Durchführung der Reformation. Johannes Spangenberg wird Pfarrer von St. Blasii.</p>
<p>Am 22. April 1525 predigt Martin Luther bei seinem zweiten Aufenthalt gegen die aufrührerischen Bauern und Anhänger Thomas Müntzers und treibt so, wie auch in vielen anderen Städten, die Reformation voran. In Lorenz Süße und Michael Meyenburg findet Luther zwei Mitstreiter, die sich der Reformation verschrieben haben. Das Museum "Flohburg" würdigt in seiner Dauerausstellung treibende Kräfte der Reformation, wie die mit Luther und Melanchthon befreundeten Mitstreiter Justus Jonas, Bürgermeister Michael Meyenburg oder Pfarrer Lorenz Süße. </p>
<p>Der Lutherwegabschnitt durch Nordhausen erinnert mit 11 Tafeln an bedeutenden Orten an die Reformation. Die Kirche St. Blasii ist die größte evangelische Kirche der Stadt und wurde 1234 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt. Sehenswert ist der Taufstein, eine Stiftung aus dem Jahre 1591. Von November bis März ist die Kirche außerhalb der Gottesdienstzeiten samstags und sonntags von 14.30 Uhr bis 16.30 Uhr geöffnet. Am Holzmarkt in Nordhausen, dem heutigen Lutherplatz, wurde Justus Jonas geboren. Unweit seines Geburtshauses befand sich die Ratsapotheke. in deren Räumen sich Ratsmitglieder und Bürger, die Neues von den Lehren Luthers erfahren wollten, trafen. Die weniger an religiösen Themen als an humanistischem Gedankengut Interessierten versammelten sich im Haus des Stadtsyndikus Michael Meyenburg. Justus Jonas, ein Verfechter der humanistischen Ideale, wandte sich Luthers Ideen zu und begleitete diesen 1521 zum Reichstag in Worms.</p>
Legend has it that Emperor Barbarossa is not dead; he is just sleeping in an underground palace and will continue to do so for as long as ravens fly around the mountain. Over the course of time, his red beard has grown into the marble table at which he sits. The Barbarossa Cave in Rottleben is a worthy abode for the red-bearded emperor. In the ‘Tanzsaal’ (ballroom) of the cave you can see his table and chair.
<p>The Kyffhäuser Monument in Steinthaleben is dedicated to Emperor William I and can be seen from far and wide. After the Monument to the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig (Völkerschlachtdenkmal), this is the second largest monument of its kind in Germany.</p>
<p>Heringen Castle, a moated castle built in the 12th century, today houses a museum, a doll collection and special exhibitions.</p>
<p>“I know of no other town in the Harz region – or anywhere else – that submitted so quickly to Protestantism than the town of Nordhausen. For this they shall be rewarded by God and all others in this life”. With these words, Martin Luther praised the early adoption of the Reformation in Nordhausen. He first visited the town on 30 May 1516 as part of a journey that took him there via Gotha and Langensalza. The Reformation movement reached Nordhausen in 1522 and the Prior of the Augustinian Monastery, Lorenz Süße, gave the town’s first Protestant sermon at St Petri‘s. Thomas Müntzer also spent quite a lot of time in Nordhausen that year. On the 26 September 1524, the town council decided to carry out the Reformation and Johannes Spangenberg was made priest of St Blasii.</p>
<p>On 22 April 1525, on his second visit to Nordhausen, Martin Luther preached against the rebellious peasants and supporters of Thomas Müntzer and thus drove the Reformation forward, as he did in many other towns. In Lorenz Süße and Michael Meyenburg, Luther found two allies who were committed to the Reformation. The permanent exhibition at the ‘Flohburg’ museum pays homage to the driving forces behind the Reformation such as Luther and Melanchthon’s friends Justus Jonas, Mayor Michael Meyenburg and the priest Lorenz Süße.</p>
<p>This section of the Luther Trail through Nordhausen features 11 information boards at significant Reformation sites. The Church of St Blasii is the town’s largest Protestant church and was first mentioned in 1234. The baptismal font was donated to the church in 1591 and is worth seeing. From November to March, the church is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 2:30 pm until 4:30 pm when no services are held. Justus Jonas was born at Holzmarkt in Nordhausen – today known as Lutherplatz square. Not far from the house where he was born is the Ratsapotheke pharmacy where members of the town council and citizens met to find out news of Luther’s teachings. Those who were more interested in humanitarian ideas than religious ones met at the house of the town’s legal adviser Michael Meyenburg. Justus Jonas, a defender of humanitarian ideals, adopted Luther's ideas and accompanied the man himself to the Diet of Worms in 1521.</p>


Property Value
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dcterms:title @en Luther Trail: Section 45 – From Bad Frankenhausen to Nordhausen
rdfs:label @de Lutherweg: Etappe 45 - Von Bad Frankenhausen nach Nordhausen
rdfs:label @en Luther Trail: Section 45 – From Bad Frankenhausen to Nordhausen
Property Value
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Property Value
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Property Value
schema:line 11.100303,51.358054,134 11.100142,51.35826,134 11.09991,51.35833,135 11.099486,51.358481,136 11.099061,51.358632,137 11.098673,51.358723,138 11.098285,51.358813,138 11.098159,51.358839,139 11.098097,51.358852,139 11.098047,51.358863,139 11.097992,51.358874,139 11.097901,51.358898,140 11.097527,51.358969,141 11.097425,51.358989,141 11.097153,51.35904,142 11.096622,51.359142,143 11.096579,51.359145,143 11.096565,51.359147,143 11.096362,51.359131,143 11.096219,51.35909,143 11.096101,51.359035,142 11.095822,51.358912,142 11.095505,51.358824,141 11.095307,51.358773,141 11.095208,51.358758,141 11.09508,51.358752,141 11.094846,51.358748,141 11.094408,51.358744,141 11.094024,51.358754,141 11.093741,51.358775,141 11.093521,51.358801,140 11.09316,51.358847,140 11.093018,51.358865,140 11.092835,51.358901,140 11.092504,51.358972,140 11.09233,51.359028,140 11.092114,51.359111,140 11.092059,51.359131,140 11.09191,51.359201,140 11.091866,51.359221,140 11.091586,51.359394,140 11.09123,51.359552,141 11.090897,51.359676,141 11.09037,51.359852,141 11.089891,51.360001,142 11.089644,51.360066,142 11.089203,51.360181,142 11.088736,51.360253,142 11.088432,51.360291,142 11.088053,51.360308,142 11.087771,51.360322,142 11.087432,51.360344,142 11.087218,51.360373,142 11.086683,51.360461,143 11.086554,51.360475,143 11.086333,51.360498,143 11.08613,51.360508,142 11.085841,51.36049,141 11.085568,51.360498,141 11.085249,51.360537,140 11.085038,51.360575,140 11.084883,51.360616,141 11.084805,51.360643,141 11.08472,51.360682,141 11.084646,51.360721,141 11.084538,51.360775,141 11.084463,51.360839,142 11.084391,51.360908,142 11.084308,51.361086,142 11.084165,51.361444,144 11.084079,51.361544,144 11.083995,51.361612,143 11.083873,51.36171,143 11.083769,51.361783,143 11.083573,51.361912,144 11.083407,51.36201,144 11.083244,51.362048,144 11.083151,51.362059,143 11.083032,51.362064,143 11.082911,51.362065,143 11.082773,51.362046,143 11.082734,51.36204,143 11.082508,51.362,143 11.081966,51.361877,142 11.081856,51.361858,142 11.081577,51.361803,142 11.081045,51.361821,143 11.080458,51.36185,143 11.079755,51.36184,143 11.079051,51.36183,143 11.078564,51.361824,143 11.078078,51.361817,144 11.077937,51.361815,144 11.077301,51.36183,143 11.076883,51.361849,143 11.076411,51.361865,143 11.076322,51.361876,143 11.076129,51.361903,143 11.075609,51.362,143 11.07513,51.362102,143 11.074651,51.362204,143 11.074344,51.362254,144 11.074217,51.362275,144 11.074124,51.362311,144 11.073902,51.362397,144 11.07347,51.362576,144 11.072907,51.362763,144 11.072345,51.362949,144 11.07203,51.363036,144 11.071488,51.363163,144 11.070951,51.3633,144 11.070488,51.363447,144 11.070025,51.363594,144 11.069625,51.363695,144 11.069225,51.363796,144 11.068799,51.363887,144 11.068488,51.363944,144 11.068262,51.363964,144 11.067961,51.363946,144 11.067681,51.363916,144 11.067139,51.363849,144 11.066597,51.363781,143 11.066246,51.363721,143 11.066048,51.363725,143 11.06586,51.363777,144 11.065673,51.363835,144 11.065565,51.363883,144 11.06538,51.36399,144 11.064924,51.364259,145 11.064707,51.364368,145 11.064283,51.364547,145 11.063859,51.364727,145 11.063521,51.36488,146 11.063184,51.365032,146 11.062831,51.36521,146 11.062478,51.365387,146 11.062146,51.365585,145 11.061763,51.365858,145 11.061279,51.36611,145 11.060962,51.366268,145 11.060951,51.366274,145 11.060646,51.366427,145 11.060326,51.366571,145 11.059934,51.366715,145 11.059542,51.366858,145 11.059116,51.366995,145 11.05869,51.367132,145 11.058367,51.367226,145 11.0582,51.367288,145 11.057643,51.367505,146 11.057086,51.367721,146 11.056529,51.367938,147 11.056187,51.36808,147 11.055845,51.368222,148 11.055386,51.36841,147 11.054926,51.368599,146 11.05451,51.368736,146 11.054553,51.368814,147 11.054572,51.368844,147 11.05473,51.369062,148 11.054814,51.369151,149 11.054936,51.369237,149 11.055127,51.369343,150 11.055188,51.369591,153 11.055198,51.369701,154 11.055147,51.36979,154 11.054913,51.369895,154 11.054863,51.369918,154 11.054479,51.370006,154 11.054096,51.370094,154 11.053874,51.370158,155 11.053763,51.370206,155 11.053653,51.370302,156 11.053571,51.370422,157 11.053519,51.370474,157 11.052857,51.370304,157 11.052669,51.370279,157 11.052143,51.370346,158 11.051643,51.37041,160 11.051507,51.370428,160 11.050992,51.370496,161 11.050483,51.370572,162 11.050444,51.370578,162 11.049975,51.370648,162 11.049466,51.370711,164 11.048853,51.370788,165 11.048642,51.37083,166 11.047968,51.370972,167 11.047429,51.371079,169 11.046891,51.371186,169 11.046388,51.371284,168 11.045885,51.371382,168 11.045382,51.371481,167 11.044793,51.371601,167 11.044204,51.371721,166 11.043615,51.371841,166 11.043026,51.371961,165 11.042436,51.372081,163 11.041808,51.372186,161 11.041191,51.372327,159 11.040659,51.372424,159 11.040183,51.37251,157 11.040127,51.372521,157 11.039595,51.372617,155 11.039161,51.372722,154 11.039031,51.372749,153 11.038767,51.373005,154 11.038504,51.373261,154 11.038495,51.37327,154 11.0384,51.373365,154 11.038379,51.373386,154 11.038235,51.373531,153 11.038094,51.373708,152 11.038037,51.373836,152 11.037997,51.373967,152 11.03796,51.374093,152 11.037851,51.374342,152 11.037765,51.374401,152 11.037647,51.374439,151 11.037446,51.374462,151 11.037347,51.374458,151 11.037226,51.374452,151 11.037098,51.374442,152 11.036976,51.374453,152 11.036934,51.374463,152 11.036855,51.374498,152 11.036763,51.374547,153 11.036665,51.374623,153 11.036535,51.374696,154 11.036398,51.374797,154 11.036271,51.374886,153 11.036054,51.375038,152 11.035801,51.375238,152 11.035672,51.375443,153 11.035595,51.375623,154 11.03551,51.375849,155 11.035474,51.37601,156 11.035371,51.376084,155 11.035303,51.376118,155 11.035239,51.376138,154 11.035189,51.37615,154 11.035052,51.376186,153 11.035042,51.376326,153 11.035038,51.376373,153 11.034978,51.376689,153 11.034964,51.376765,154 11.034897,51.377142,154 11.03483,51.377519,155 11.034784,51.377769,155 11.03477,51.377846,155 11.034757,51.377916,155 11.034448,51.377932,155 11.034095,51.377981,156 11.033887,51.378009,157 11.033487,51.378065,158 11.032878,51.378149,159 11.03269,51.378437,159 11.032501,51.378724,162 11.032259,51.37903,166 11.032018,51.379335,170 11.031776,51.379641,175 11.031641,51.379839,176 11.031582,51.379958,177 11.031539,51.380154,177 11.031518,51.38051,178 11.031497,51.380866,180 11.031491,51.381178,182 11.031484,51.38149,183 11.031499,51.381926,184 11.031515,51.382363,184 11.031523,51.382597,183 11.031532,51.38283,182 11.031492,51.382964,181 11.031447,51.383113,181 11.031305,51.383277,182 11.031037,51.383511,183 11.030769,51.383745,184 11.030452,51.38403,185 11.030431,51.384048,185 11.030094,51.384352,186 11.029757,51.384656,186 11.029452,51.384931,187 11.029139,51.385207,187 11.028825,51.385483,187 11.028511,51.38576,187 11.028161,51.386072,187 11.027811,51.386385,187 11.027461,51.386697,187 11.027111,51.38701,187 11.0268,51.387287,187 11.026488,51.387564,188 11.026176,51.387841,187 11.025864,51.388118,186 11.0257,51.38827,186 11.025643,51.388335,185 11.025558,51.388431,185 11.025526,51.388517,185 11.025507,51.388674,185 11.025505,51.388735,185 11.025487,51.389158,187 11.025468,51.389581,188 11.025459,51.389995,188 11.02546,51.390066,188 11.02546,51.390422,186 11.025461,51.390461,186 11.025455,51.390607,186 11.025448,51.390919,186 11.025437,51.391054,187 11.025382,51.391193,187 11.025195,51.391619,186 11.025142,51.391738,185 11.024983,51.392008,182 11.024931,51.392084,182 11.024894,51.392127,181 11.024844,51.392164,181 11.024809,51.392175,181 11.024775,51.392185,181 11.024355,51.392267,181 11.023961,51.392329,181 11.023568,51.392391,181 11.023677,51.392514,180 11.023068,51.392701,182 11.02246,51.392888,184 11.021851,51.393075,185 11.021242,51.393261,188 11.021018,51.393335,190 11.02065,51.393456,192 11.020234,51.393573,195 11.019817,51.393689,197 11.019746,51.393703,197 11.019633,51.393724,197 11.019323,51.393784,198 11.018819,51.3938,201 11.018217,51.393746,205 11.017894,51.39376,207 11.017858,51.393765,207 11.017855,51.393766,207 11.017687,51.393792,207 11.017463,51.393845,208 11.017197,51.393907,209 11.016769,51.39402,210 11.016342,51.394132,212 11.015817,51.394285,214 11.015584,51.39434,214 11.015415,51.394363,214 11.014989,51.394367,213 11.014335,51.394376,214 11.01368,51.394385,215 11.013026,51.394393,217 11.012371,51.394402,219 11.011663,51.394408,221 11.010956,51.394413,224 11.010248,51.394419,227 11.009541,51.394425,230 11.00946,51.394426,230 11.009256,51.394444,231 11.009042,51.394497,232 11.008605,51.394631,234 11.008169,51.394765,236 11.007732,51.394899,238 11.007212,51.395054,240 11.006691,51.395209,241 11.006359,51.395302,242 11.006026,51.395395,243 11.005448,51.395569,243 11.00487,51.395742,243 11.004292,51.395916,244 11.004346,51.396285,241 11.004399,51.396654,239 11.004363,51.39674,238 11.004254,51.396886,238 11.003887,51.397172,236 11.003521,51.397458,234 11.003208,51.397713,233 11.003065,51.397837,232 11.002863,51.39795,231 11.002658,51.398021,231 11.002047,51.398214,228 11.001436,51.398408,226 11.000825,51.398602,225 11.000505,51.398706,225 11.000258,51.398791,224 11.000036,51.398866,223 10.99965,51.398984,222 10.999265,51.399102,221 10.998858,51.399247,220 10.998645,51.399343,220 10.998311,51.399501,219 10.998108,51.399597,218 10.997981,51.399632,217 10.997685,51.399693,217 10.997318,51.399742,216 10.996997,51.399791,215 10.996889,51.399813,214 10.99667,51.399865,213 10.996522,51.399924,213 10.996397,51.399974,212 10.996307,51.40002,212 10.995837,51.400212,211 10.995367,51.400404,209 10.994897,51.400596,207 10.99465,51.400691,207 10.99436,51.400803,208 10.994064,51.400911,209 10.994038,51.400921,209 10.993969,51.400946,209 10.99387,51.400976,210 10.993243,51.401056,211 10.992616,51.401136,212 10.991942,51.401219,213 10.991269,51.401302,214 10.990816,51.401356,215 10.990316,51.401417,215 10.989815,51.401478,215 10.989526,51.401525,215 10.988923,51.401599,214 10.988319,51.401673,214 10.987716,51.401747,213 10.987113,51.401821,213 10.98647,51.401897,213 10.985968,51.401955,212 10.985859,51.401974,212 10.985734,51.401989,212 10.985093,51.402066,212 10.984452,51.402144,213 10.983811,51.402221,214 10.98317,51.402298,214 10.98276,51.40242,214 10.98235,51.402542,215 10.98175,51.402718,215 10.981149,51.402894,217 10.980799,51.402996,217 10.980574,51.403062,217 10.980122,51.403207,218 10.97979,51.403303,218 10.979458,51.403399,218 10.979332,51.403437,218 10.979283,51.403457,218 10.979147,51.403519,218 10.979079,51.403553,218 10.978801,51.403692,217 10.978746,51.403619,219 10.978691,51.403508,221 10.978034,51.403518,225 10.977481,51.403523,227 10.976927,51.403528,229 10.97653,51.403544,231 10.976379,51.403548,232 10.975741,51.403545,236 10.975398,51.403555,237 10.974949,51.403568,239 10.9745,51.403581,242 10.974021,51.403581,244 10.973542,51.403581,247 10.972931,51.403605,250 10.972712,51.403613,251 10.972519,51.403621,252 10.971943,51.403642,254 10.971644,51.403619,255 10.971775,51.403987,247 10.971902,51.404345,238 10.971952,51.404484,235 10.97203,51.404704,230 10.972158,51.405062,223 10.971821,51.405105,222 10.971157,51.40519,220 10.971237,51.405253,219 10.971296,51.405558,215 10.971318,51.40572,214 10.971382,51.405961,214 10.97141,51.406147,213 10.97145,51.406356,213 10.971476,51.406378,212 10.971501,51.406396,212 10.971571,51.406408,212 10.971687,51.4064,212 10.971844,51.406383,212 10.971878,51.406374,212 10.971945,51.406356,212 10.972038,51.40633,212 10.972081,51.406312,212 10.972147,51.406304,212 10.972602,51.406325,212 10.972598,51.406386,212 10.972595,51.406429,212 10.972586,51.406768,212 10.97259,51.406817,212 10.972592,51.406836,212 10.972629,51.406994,212 10.972234,51.407085,213 10.971847,51.407158,213 10.971461,51.407232,214 10.971569,51.407351,214 10.971607,51.407385,214 10.971742,51.407505,214 10.971446,51.407582,215 10.971284,51.407867,216 10.971218,51.407971,217 10.971029,51.40827,219 10.970868,51.408517,221 10.970705,51.408722,223 10.970507,51.408936,225 10.970299,51.409167,229 10.970197,51.40928,231 10.970091,51.409398,233 10.970033,51.409484,235 10.969977,51.409649,237 10.969936,51.409782,238 10.969891,51.409888,239 10.970029,51.410227,244 10.970166,51.410491,246 10.970254,51.410611,246 10.970415,51.410649,247 10.970705,51.410712,247 10.970985,51.41077,247 10.971372,51.41085,246 10.971319,51.41088,246 10.970943,51.411044,247 10.970566,51.411209,247 10.97027,51.411339,247 10.969974,51.411469,248 10.969891,51.411506,248 10.969676,51.411617,249 10.969458,51.411693,248 10.969239,51.411834,247 10.969016,51.411978,246 10.968856,51.412092,245 10.968738,51.412159,245 10.968627,51.412222,245 10.968458,51.412284,244 10.96819,51.412348,243 10.967937,51.41239,242 10.967603,51.412434,240 10.967478,51.412467,239 10.967143,51.412555,236 10.966758,51.412703,233 10.966608,51.41276,231 10.966198,51.412896,229 10.965788,51.413031,227 10.965657,51.413067,226 10.965559,51.413102,226 10.96549,51.413127,225 10.9653,51.413185,225 10.965153,51.413221,226 10.965008,51.413264,226 10.964785,51.413331,226 10.964506,51.413445,225 10.964341,51.413523,225 10.963943,51.413752,223 10.963546,51.41398,222 10.963232,51.414154,222 10.962919,51.414329,223 10.962538,51.414495,225 10.962285,51.414623,226 10.962003,51.414804,224 10.961797,51.414915,223 10.96171,51.414966,223 10.961495,51.415099,222 10.961402,51.415185,222 10.961298,51.415313,221 10.96119,51.415464,220 10.961118,51.415567,220 10.960997,51.415734,219 10.9609,51.415899,219 10.960799,51.416071,219 10.960726,51.416195,219 10.960565,51.416462,219 10.960436,51.416677,218 10.960308,51.416891,218 10.960229,51.417004,218 10.9601,51.417192,217 10.959892,51.417492,216 10.959772,51.417722,216 10.959702,51.417884,216 10.959515,51.418229,215 10.959353,51.418485,214 10.959258,51.418578,213 10.959153,51.418628,212 10.958911,51.418677,212 10.958683,51.418699,212 10.958528,51.418696,212 10.958301,51.418679,211 10.958127,51.418648,209 10.95793,51.418591,208 10.957752,51.418544,207 10.957507,51.41843,205 10.957314,51.418291,205 10.95719,51.41821,204 10.957071,51.418099,204 10.957021,51.418061,204 10.956992,51.418051,204 10.956944,51.418034,203 10.956871,51.418025,203 10.956732,51.418035,201 10.956475,51.418075,203 10.956222,51.418139,205 10.95609,51.418173,206 10.95583,51.418257,208 10.955625,51.418336,208 10.955268,51.418479,206 10.955009,51.418609,205 10.954847,51.41872,204 10.954652,51.418848,204 10.954267,51.419044,205 10.953882,51.41924,207 10.953377,51.419505,207 10.953002,51.419701,207 10.952626,51.419897,207 10.952334,51.420056,207 10.952124,51.42017,208 10.951634,51.420448,209 10.951293,51.420649,211 10.950951,51.420851,213 10.950797,51.420974,215 10.950541,51.421128,218 10.9505,51.42118,218 10.950445,51.421287,218 10.950397,51.421354,218 10.950346,51.421423,218 10.950222,51.42151,218 10.950214,51.421514,218 10.949782,51.421744,215 10.949482,51.421929,211 10.949291,51.422064,209 10.949011,51.422296,204 10.948853,51.422449,201 10.948621,51.422672,197 10.94852,51.422762,195 10.948232,51.422956,194 10.948061,51.422987,193 10.948022,51.422994,193 10.947869,51.423029,193 10.947579,51.423129,193 10.947445,51.423176,192 10.947323,51.423248,191 10.947007,51.423505,190 10.946809,51.423674,189 10.946501,51.423926,188 10.946246,51.424149,187 10.945986,51.424343,187 10.945639,51.424594,186 10.945325,51.424834,186 10.945238,51.424902,186 10.945005,51.425083,186 10.94469,51.425292,187 10.9443,51.425502,188 10.943973,51.425624,188 10.943852,51.42567,188 10.943577,51.425748,188 10.943239,51.425826,186 10.942951,51.425898,184 10.94276,51.425937,183 10.942438,51.426024,181 10.941826,51.425968,182 10.941243,51.425915,182 10.940659,51.425862,182 10.940582,51.425855,182 10.940012,51.425802,182 10.939475,51.425751,181 10.939442,51.425748,181 10.938873,51.425694,182 10.938436,51.42565,182 10.937999,51.425605,181 10.937782,51.425584,181 10.93768,51.425577,181 10.937294,51.425552,181 10.936908,51.425526,181 10.936338,51.425588,180 10.935908,51.425631,179 10.935315,51.425683,179 10.934931,51.425721,178 10.934546,51.425758,178 10.934187,51.425804,177 10.93369,51.42581,177 10.933194,51.425815,177 10.932971,51.425815,176 10.932732,51.425801,176 10.932476,51.425738,175 10.932302,51.425679,175 10.932186,51.425639,175 10.932011,51.425577,174 10.931887,51.425553,174 10.931788,51.42554,174 10.931599,51.425545,173 10.931514,51.425562,173 10.931162,51.425631,173 10.93081,51.4257,172 10.930597,51.42575,172 10.930501,51.425774,172 10.930265,51.425838,172 10.930034,51.425906,172 10.929833,51.425956,172 10.929784,51.425964,172 10.929267,51.426052,172 10.928665,51.426132,172 10.928581,51.426145,172 10.928497,51.426163,172 10.928315,51.426279,171 10.928418,51.426125,172 10.928422,51.42606,172 10.928362,51.425848,173 10.928325,51.42574,174 10.92831,51.425694,174 10.92825,51.425572,175 10.928169,51.425449,176 10.928035,51.42522,177 10.927889,51.424927,179 10.927796,51.424621,180 10.927635,51.424511,181 10.927173,51.424196,182 10.926774,51.423932,183 10.926375,51.423668,184 10.926307,51.423628,184 10.925958,51.423454,185 10.925609,51.42328,186 10.925204,51.423085,186 10.924974,51.422929,186 10.924841,51.422845,186 10.924632,51.422767,186 10.924158,51.422626,187 10.923735,51.422464,188 10.923656,51.422431,188 10.923467,51.422352,188 10.923139,51.422212,188 10.922788,51.422052,190 10.922601,51.421958,191 10.922318,51.421844,192 10.922062,51.421727,193 10.921803,51.421593,194 10.921634,51.421499,194 10.921544,51.421449,194 10.921367,51.421368,194 10.920899,51.42116,196 10.920731,51.421064,196 10.920658,51.420994,196 10.920583,51.420926,196 10.920362,51.420708,195 10.920249,51.420616,194 10.919965,51.420422,193 10.9197,51.420458,193 10.919687,51.420459,193 10.919456,51.420502,193 10.919357,51.420526,194 10.919099,51.420626,195 10.918832,51.420736,196 10.918467,51.420875,197 10.918219,51.420965,198 10.918082,51.421015,199 10.917698,51.421154,200 10.917372,51.421319,200 10.917046,51.421485,200 10.916782,51.421607,201 10.916489,51.421716,202 10.915905,51.421861,203 10.915578,51.421888,204 10.915512,51.421881,204 10.915324,51.421854,205 10.914892,51.421775,206 10.91446,51.421696,208 10.914054,51.421618,209 10.913648,51.421539,210 10.913205,51.421452,211 10.912758,51.421352,211 10.912556,51.421294,212 10.91223,51.4212,212 10.911951,51.421085,213 10.911553,51.420922,213 10.911264,51.420785,213 10.910976,51.420648,214 10.910547,51.420451,214 10.910117,51.420254,215 10.909981,51.420186,216 10.909716,51.420505,217 10.909452,51.420825,222 10.909187,51.421144,231 10.908922,51.421464,239 10.908657,51.421783,242 10.90844,51.421747,244 10.908193,51.421649,246 10.907694,51.421495,250 10.907044,51.421399,255 10.906793,51.421374,257 10.906383,51.421343,262 10.905687,51.421308,267 10.905096,51.421215,274 10.9047,51.421177,282 10.904532,51.421155,285 10.904361,51.421154,288 10.904324,51.421181,289 10.904054,51.421174,293 10.903833,51.421141,295 10.903654,51.421102,296 10.903005,51.421261,294 10.902651,51.421349,292 10.902449,51.421399,291 10.902297,51.421437,291 10.901718,51.421598,293 10.9018,51.421696,291 10.901963,51.42206,286 10.902137,51.422293,282 10.902424,51.422696,275 10.902641,51.422976,271 10.9027,51.4231,271 10.902716,51.423252,271 10.90271,51.423316,271 10.902666,51.423488,270 10.902595,51.423596,269 10.902478,51.423708,267 10.902358,51.423771,266 10.902171,51.423813,266 10.901973,51.423843,264 10.901618,51.423879,261 10.901573,51.423919,261 10.901555,51.42396,260 10.901468,51.424319,255 10.901405,51.424459,253 10.901222,51.424811,247 10.901114,51.425037,243 10.901041,51.425223,240 10.900999,51.42529,239 10.900884,51.425479,237 10.900763,51.425692,237 10.900642,51.425906,236 10.900557,51.426004,235 10.900495,51.426039,235 10.900434,51.426069,235 10.900339,51.426097,235 10.900156,51.426137,234 10.899993,51.426162,234 10.89966,51.426194,232 10.899501,51.426205,230 10.899076,51.426241,227 10.898845,51.426262,227 10.898735,51.426275,227 10.898617,51.426295,226 10.898516,51.426347,225 10.898347,51.426437,223 10.898005,51.42662,218 10.897662,51.426803,212 10.897324,51.426956,207 10.89696,51.427127,203 10.896725,51.427238,201 10.896597,51.427299,199 10.896319,51.427428,196 10.896287,51.427636,193 10.896271,51.427829,191 10.89625,51.428054,189 10.896222,51.428192,188 10.896175,51.42827,187 10.896132,51.428317,187 10.896066,51.428366,186 10.895972,51.42843,186 10.895954,51.428569,185 10.895936,51.428774,183 10.895909,51.428876,183 10.895844,51.428955,182 10.895781,51.429023,182 10.895678,51.429127,181 10.895307,51.429052,182 10.895281,51.429046,182 10.895001,51.42898,181 10.894672,51.428949,181 10.894145,51.428901,182 10.893921,51.428873,182 10.893657,51.428845,182 10.893333,51.428792,183 10.893127,51.428753,183 10.892851,51.428698,184 10.892697,51.428648,184 10.892685,51.428644,184 10.892527,51.428583,185 10.892338,51.428499,185 10.891864,51.428383,185 10.891421,51.428252,186 10.891209,51.428179,187 10.890786,51.427997,188 10.890439,51.427852,189 10.88986,51.427757,191 10.889842,51.427752,191 10.889734,51.427722,191 10.889433,51.427638,192 10.889266,51.427565,193 10.889219,51.427619,193 10.888958,51.427957,197 10.888696,51.428295,202 10.888255,51.428167,205 10.887813,51.428038,208 10.887637,51.427966,210 10.887536,51.427944,211 10.88722,51.427896,216 10.886868,51.4278,219 10.886515,51.427703,223 10.886188,51.427622,226 10.885792,51.427505,229 10.885397,51.427388,233 10.885187,51.427319,235 10.88501,51.427257,237 10.884872,51.427184,238 10.884722,51.427087,239 10.884599,51.42701,239 10.884475,51.426942,240 10.884327,51.426873,240 10.884159,51.426823,241 10.883672,51.426704,243 10.883241,51.426615,245 10.882973,51.426581,246 10.882715,51.426587,247 10.882554,51.42659,248 10.88227,51.426594,249 10.882078,51.426579,250 10.881366,51.426579,253 10.880954,51.426565,255 10.880542,51.426552,256 10.879967,51.426547,257 10.879393,51.426541,259 10.879008,51.426532,260 10.878624,51.426522,262 10.877933,51.426484,265 10.877763,51.426469,265 10.877474,51.426449,266 10.877382,51.426443,266 10.877001,51.426417,266 10.876426,51.42635,267 10.87585,51.426283,267 10.875371,51.426231,267 10.874893,51.426179,268 10.874319,51.426136,270 10.873746,51.426093,272 10.873173,51.42605,273 10.872694,51.425989,274 10.872215,51.425928,276 10.87152,51.425864,278 10.871072,51.425839,279 10.870624,51.425815,281 10.870322,51.425774,282 10.87,51.42573,284 10.869852,51.425702,284 10.869715,51.425672,285 10.869593,51.425642,285 10.869839,51.425893,284 10.869985,51.42603,283 10.870077,51.426163,282 10.870139,51.426297,280 10.870216,51.426422,278 10.870318,51.426623,275 10.870412,51.426813,272 10.870558,51.427083,268 10.870705,51.427353,264 10.870894,51.42772,259 10.871014,51.42795,257 10.871141,51.428221,255 10.871329,51.428519,254 10.871447,51.428673,253 10.871573,51.428822,253 10.871769,51.429091,252 10.871999,51.429392,252 10.872191,51.429566,253 10.872584,51.429811,255 10.872817,51.429944,257 10.873092,51.430095,259 10.873368,51.430245,261 10.873652,51.430402,263 10.873936,51.43056,264 10.874208,51.430714,265 10.87448,51.430869,265 10.874947,51.431128,264 10.875299,51.431323,263 10.875415,51.431387,262 10.875918,51.431661,259 10.876422,51.431935,257 10.876759,51.432165,256 10.876866,51.432261,255 10.877057,51.432431,254 10.877426,51.432777,252 10.877697,51.433033,250 10.877914,51.433233,249 10.87799,51.433299,248 10.878432,51.433649,248 10.878407,51.433937,248 10.878378,51.43407,248 10.878348,51.434217,248 10.87836,51.434353,248 10.878393,51.434471,248 10.878496,51.434643,246 10.878633,51.434789,244 10.878802,51.435004,242 10.878854,51.43517,240 10.878875,51.435343,237 10.878828,51.435488,235 10.878754,51.435623,233 10.878623,51.435726,230 10.878469,51.435833,227 10.878308,51.43593,225 10.87803,51.436076,221 10.877836,51.436142,219 10.877818,51.436148,219 10.877626,51.436162,217 10.877458,51.436165,216 10.877275,51.436168,214 10.877143,51.436183,213 10.877039,51.436196,212 10.876798,51.436246,209 10.876657,51.436326,206 10.876554,51.436379,205 10.876493,51.436481,203 10.876505,51.436608,201 10.876495,51.436761,199 10.87648,51.436936,197 10.876463,51.437163,195 10.87646,51.437541,190 10.876432,51.437743,187 10.87639,51.437884,186 10.87615,51.43771,188 10.875936,51.437561,189 10.875681,51.437387,189 10.875625,51.437362,189 10.874966,51.43729,190 10.874307,51.437218,190 10.873647,51.437146,191 10.872988,51.437074,191 10.872735,51.437054,192 10.872323,51.437015,192 10.871911,51.436977,192 10.871753,51.436975,192 10.871272,51.437071,191 10.870772,51.437154,189 10.870272,51.437236,187 10.869771,51.437318,186 10.869661,51.43735,186 10.869606,51.437375,185 10.869606,51.437481,185 10.869612,51.437633,184 10.86961,51.437706,184 10.869619,51.437886,183 10.869611,51.438165,182 10.869566,51.438391,181 10.869519,51.438587,180 10.86946,51.438806,179 10.869363,51.439087,178 10.869298,51.439276,177 10.869266,51.439369,177 10.869203,51.439593,177 10.869183,51.439662,176 10.869151,51.439833,176 10.869091,51.440154,176 10.869073,51.440271,175 10.86905,51.440396,175 10.869016,51.440634,174 10.868993,51.44086,174 10.868993,51.440865,174 10.868988,51.441033,174 10.868998,51.441153,173 10.869049,51.441441,173 10.869118,51.441827,172 10.869185,51.442149,172 10.869228,51.442378,171 10.869293,51.442674,171 10.869348,51.442858,170 10.869548,51.443277,170 10.869663,51.443594,169 10.869779,51.44391,169 10.869798,51.443967,169 10.869872,51.444182,169 10.869978,51.444537,168 10.870014,51.444662,168 10.870127,51.445018,168 10.870199,51.445245,168 10.870314,51.445615,168 10.870429,51.445986,168 10.870497,51.446256,168 10.870566,51.446527,168 10.870568,51.446534,168 10.870583,51.446594,168 10.870663,51.446887,168 10.871114,51.44694,169 10.871566,51.446993,167 10.872267,51.447064,166 10.872417,51.447077,166 10.87278,51.447108,166 10.873143,51.447139,165 10.873548,51.447158,165 10.873564,51.447159,165 10.874161,51.447177,165 10.874199,51.447174,165 10.874449,51.447177,165 10.874672,51.447169,165 10.874908,51.447149,165 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10.875546,51.451975,163 10.875439,51.452021,163 10.875395,51.452086,163 10.875369,51.452162,162 10.875341,51.452485,162 10.875345,51.452837,162 10.875374,51.453258,162 10.875404,51.453679,162 10.875392,51.453761,162 10.875332,51.453838,162 10.87497,51.454168,162 10.874699,51.454356,162 10.874428,51.454544,162 10.874269,51.454646,163 10.873852,51.454917,163 10.873434,51.455189,163 10.872953,51.455457,164 10.872684,51.455576,164 10.872425,51.455692,164 10.87198,51.455861,164 10.871545,51.456026,164 10.871114,51.456166,164 10.870682,51.456306,164 10.870251,51.456445,164 10.870455,51.456869,164 10.870659,51.457293,164 10.870863,51.457716,164 10.870978,51.45801,164 10.871094,51.458303,164 10.871249,51.458623,164 10.871299,51.458728,164 10.871505,51.459153,164 10.871711,51.459579,164 10.871834,51.459812,164 10.871874,51.459984,164 10.871947,51.460297,164 10.871994,51.460499,164 10.871618,51.460631,164 10.871241,51.460762,164 10.870814,51.460855,164 10.870574,51.460907,164 10.870381,51.460936,164 10.869907,51.460981,164 10.869432,51.461026,164 10.868963,51.461116,164 10.868737,51.46115,164 10.868118,51.461209,164 10.867829,51.461248,164 10.867744,51.461265,164 10.86758,51.461297,164 10.867578,51.461298,164 10.867448,51.461337,164 10.867443,51.461338,164 10.867224,51.461422,164 10.867107,51.46149,164 10.867038,51.46153,164 10.866897,51.461646,164 10.866829,51.461721,164 10.866684,51.461852,164 10.866483,51.462025,164 10.86625,51.462187,164 10.865811,51.462464,164 10.86545,51.462667,165 10.865313,51.462746,165 10.865138,51.462838,165 10.86489,51.462962,165 10.864742,51.463078,165 10.86468,51.463179,165 10.864501,51.463593,165 10.864434,51.463942,165 10.864383,51.46419,165 10.864301,51.464398,165 10.864175,51.464553,165 10.863953,51.46472,165 10.863517,51.464924,165 10.86292,51.465119,165 10.862591,51.465221,165 10.862197,51.465378,165 10.861978,51.465468,165 10.861647,51.465646,165 10.861253,51.465916,165 10.86098,51.466091,165 10.860595,51.466321,165 10.86013,51.466566,165 10.859679,51.46683,165 10.859229,51.467094,165 10.858769,51.467366,166 10.858463,51.467548,166 10.858036,51.467797,166 10.857776,51.467974,166 10.857623,51.468078,166 10.857516,51.468151,166 10.857305,51.468337,166 10.857027,51.468626,166 10.856749,51.468915,166 10.85657,51.46912,166 10.856391,51.469324,166 10.856195,51.469529,166 10.855999,51.469735,166 10.855784,51.469928,166 10.85557,51.47012,166 10.855192,51.470421,167 10.855079,51.470507,167 10.854935,51.470604,167 10.854691,51.470765,167 10.854381,51.470957,167 10.854119,51.471113,167 10.853849,51.471231,167 10.853335,51.471371,167 10.85307,51.471442,167 10.852955,51.471467,168 10.852838,51.471487,169 10.852722,51.471508,170 10.852573,51.471535,171 10.852402,51.471573,167 10.852306,51.47159,168 10.852165,51.471607,167 10.851939,51.471614,167 10.851393,51.471631,167 10.851214,51.471636,167 10.850826,51.471641,167 10.850435,51.471649,167 10.850043,51.471657,167 10.849864,51.471655,167 10.849597,51.471646,167 10.849293,51.471652,168 10.848657,51.471728,169 10.84835,51.471765,169 10.848152,51.471804,169 10.847967,51.471848,169 10.847432,51.472048,169 10.847079,51.472233,169 10.846734,51.472452,169 10.846542,51.472715,169 10.846392,51.47301,169 10.846247,51.473268,169 10.846211,51.473391,169 10.846209,51.473605,169 10.846111,51.473832,169 10.845914,51.474017,169 10.845606,51.474247,169 10.845205,51.474502,170 10.844918,51.474648,169 10.844631,51.474793,169 10.844091,51.475055,169 10.843637,51.475281,169 10.843241,51.475474,169 10.84295,51.475701,169 10.842812,51.475857,169 10.842647,51.476078,169 10.842402,51.476291,169 10.842312,51.476363,169 10.842173,51.476475,169 10.842113,51.476533,169 10.841992,51.476693,169 10.841871,51.47686,169 10.841738,51.477007,169 10.841555,51.477154,169 10.841344,51.477308,169 10.841047,51.477512,169 10.840733,51.477732,169 10.840508,51.477882,169 10.840363,51.477979,169 10.840027,51.478204,169 10.83972,51.478392,169 10.839312,51.478588,169 10.839006,51.478726,169 10.838733,51.478826,169 10.838512,51.478918,169 10.838237,51.479028,169 10.837994,51.47918,169 10.837733,51.479374,169 10.837554,51.479477,170 10.837468,51.479505,170 10.837385,51.479518,170 10.837235,51.479514,169 10.83702,51.479508,170 10.837268,51.479661,170 10.837294,51.479677,170 10.83697,51.479787,169 10.836645,51.479896,169 10.836033,51.480113,169 10.835878,51.480171,169 10.835801,51.480202,169 10.835463,51.480338,169 10.835206,51.48044,169 10.834994,51.480511,169 10.834774,51.480611,169 10.834509,51.480732,170 10.834139,51.480857,170 10.833576,51.48104,170 10.833053,51.481187,170 10.832658,51.4813,171 10.832264,51.481414,171 10.832002,51.481497,172 10.831665,51.481603,172 10.831328,51.481709,171 10.830815,51.48196,171 10.830339,51.482131,171 10.829939,51.482207,170 10.829412,51.482287,171 10.829013,51.482316,172 10.828601,51.482325,173 10.828534,51.482323,173 10.828088,51.482311,173 10.827674,51.482299,174 10.82759,51.482296,174 10.827356,51.482289,174 10.826832,51.482289,174 10.826742,51.482289,174 10.826514,51.482302,174 10.826245,51.482337,174 10.826225,51.482341,174 10.826102,51.482363,174 10.825773,51.482423,173 10.825361,51.482505,173 10.825258,51.482525,174 10.8249,51.48263,174 10.824542,51.482734,174 10.824199,51.482837,174 10.823859,51.482961,174 10.823391,51.483175,173 10.823219,51.483264,173 10.822904,51.48345,173 10.822625,51.48366,172 10.822346,51.48387,172 10.821832,51.484182,172 10.821382,51.484466,172 10.821163,51.484621,172 10.820927,51.484817,172 10.820619,51.485124,173 10.820399,51.48533,173 10.82004,51.485616,173 10.819956,51.485677,173 10.819906,51.485697,173 10.81985,51.485719,173 10.819661,51.485751,173 10.819724,51.485903,173 10.819737,51.486026,173 10.819737,51.486027,173 10.819731,51.486069,173 10.819705,51.486241,173 10.819665,51.486371,173 10.819612,51.486506,173 10.819549,51.48664,173 10.819483,51.486824,173 10.819338,51.487177,173 10.81922,51.48749,174 10.81912,51.487702,174 10.818961,51.487959,174 10.818764,51.488253,174 10.818567,51.488548,174 10.81836,51.488858,174 10.818116,51.489138,174 10.817969,51.489263,174 10.817863,51.489333,174 10.817821,51.489362,174 10.817592,51.489446,174 10.817286,51.489533,175 10.817226,51.48955,175 10.817186,51.489561,175 10.816631,51.489716,174 10.816215,51.489833,175 10.816077,51.489872,175 10.815523,51.490027,175 10.81538,51.49007,175 10.81491,51.490201,175 10.814441,51.490331,175 10.813904,51.490482,176 10.81342,51.490615,176 10.813006,51.490725,176 10.812449,51.490873,176 10.811892,51.491021,176 10.811335,51.491169,176 10.811246,51.491192,176 10.810729,51.491329,176 10.810213,51.491466,177 10.809722,51.491594,177 10.809231,51.491721,176 10.80874,51.491848,176 10.808757,51.491892,176 10.808864,51.492213,176 10.80899,51.492536,175 10.809116,51.49286,175 10.809127,51.492881,175 10.80917,51.492967,175 10.809193,51.493014,175 10.809258,51.493148,175 10.809337,51.493319,175 10.80937,51.493397,175 10.808901,51.493462,175 10.808722,51.493487,176 10.808378,51.493569,176 10.808034,51.493651,176 10.807815,51.493703,176 10.807367,51.49379,176 10.806918,51.493878,176 10.806353,51.493952,176 10.806082,51.493987,176 10.805568,51.494062,177 10.805055,51.494136,177 10.804472,51.494208,178 10.804034,51.494262,178 10.803889,51.49428,178 10.803435,51.494335,178 10.802981,51.49439,179 10.803151,51.494603,178 10.80332,51.494815,178 10.803394,51.494906,178 10.803425,51.494968,178 10.80344,51.494999,178 10.803463,51.495149,179 10.803473,51.495228,179 10.803474,51.49523,179 10.803466,51.495295,179 10.803417,51.495394,180 10.803433,51.495531,180 10.803443,51.49561,181 10.80344,51.495788,182 10.803421,51.495902,183 10.803404,51.495983,183 10.803392,51.496034,184 10.803355,51.496112,185 10.803313,51.4962,186 10.803252,51.496327,188 10.803237,51.496357,188 10.803183,51.496471,190 10.80308,51.496676,192 10.802919,51.496997,196 10.802758,51.497318,199 10.802736,51.497361,199 10.802597,51.49764,202 10.801977,51.497613,202 10.801357,51.497586,203 10.801069,51.497578,203 10.800793,51.497582,204 10.800539,51.497586,204 10.800147,51.497612,204 10.800024,51.497625,204 10.799642,51.497664,203 10.799137,51.497716,203 10.798608,51.497766,202 10.798452,51.49778,201 10.798263,51.49779,201 10.798108,51.49779,200 10.797943,51.497776,198 10.797788,51.497752,197 10.797271,51.497658,194 10.797233,51.497651,194 10.797029,51.497614,192 10.796779,51.497587,191 10.796693,51.497925,193 10.796665,51.49806,194 10.796662,51.498133,195 10.796672,51.498206,196 10.796699,51.498288,197 10.79671,51.498312,197 10.796744,51.49838,198 10.796811,51.498467,199 10.796821,51.498481,199 10.796939,51.498594,201 10.796943,51.498597,201 10.79706,51.4987,202 10.797298,51.498901,205 10.79748,51.498969,206 10.797525,51.499025,207 10.79777,51.499205,209 10.798014,51.499385,211 10.798166,51.499429,212 10.798178,51.499477,212 10.798208,51.499526,212 10.798339,51.499633,213 10.79842,51.499711,213 10.798441,51.499732,213 10.798517,51.499883,214 10.798659,51.500257,214 10.79869,51.500418,213 10.79819,51.500462,213 10.798162,51.500464,213 10.798027,51.500476,213 10.797981,51.500479,213 10.797728,51.500499,212 10.797675,51.500503,212 10.797318,51.500536,212 10.796962,51.500569,210 10.796805,51.500594,210 10.796711,51.50063,209 10.796698,51.500641,209 10.796676,51.50066,209 10.796647,51.500685,209 10.796603,51.500732,208 10.796596,51.500739,208 10.796574,51.500761,208 10.796549,51.500863,208 10.796539,51.501024,208
schema:identifier 18551581
Property Value
dcterms:title St. Petri-Kirche vor dem 2. WK - Nordhausen
rdfs:label St. Petri-Kirche vor dem 2. WK - Nordhausen
Property Value
dcterms:title unbekannt
rdfs:label unbekannt
schema:name unbekannt
schema:dateCreated 2016-02-24T14:42:08
schema:dateModified 2023-05-24T11:01:38
schema:datePublished 2016-02-24T14:42:08
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:PIX
schema:value 937
schema:name St. Petri-Kirche vor dem 2. WK - Nordhausen
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:PIX
schema:value 689
Property Value
dcterms:title St. Blasii aus der Ferne - Nordhausen
rdfs:label St. Blasii aus der Ferne - Nordhausen
Property Value
dcterms:title Tilman2007
rdfs:label Tilman2007
schema:name Tilman2007
schema:dateCreated 2016-02-24T15:08:12
schema:dateModified 2023-05-24T11:01:38
schema:datePublished 2016-02-24T15:08:12
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:PIX
schema:value 2448
schema:name St. Blasii aus der Ferne - Nordhausen
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:PIX
schema:value 3264
Property Value
Property Value
Property Value
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:MTR
schema:value 35422
schema:exerciseType Wanderung
Property Value
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:MTR
schema:value 534
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:MTR
schema:value 453
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:MTR
schema:value 296
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:MTR
schema:value 135
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:MIN
schema:value 660
Property Value
Property Value
schema:maxValue 5
schema:minValue 1
schema:value 6
Property Value
schema:maxValue 5
schema:minValue 1
schema:value 4
Property Value
schema:maxValue 5
schema:minValue 1
schema:value 2
Property Value
schema:maxValue 5
schema:minValue 1
schema:value 5
Property Value
schema:maxValue 5
schema:minValue 1
schema:value 3
Property Value
dcterms:title Tour_Lutherweg: Etappe 45 - Von Bad Frankenhausen nach Nordhausen.gpx
rdfs:label Tour_Lutherweg: Etappe 45 - Von Bad Frankenhausen nach Nordhausen.gpx
schema:name Tour_Lutherweg: Etappe 45 - Von Bad Frankenhausen nach Nordhausen.gpx
Property Value
Property Value
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:MTR
schema:value 7035.51772
thuecat:wayTypeTitle @de Asphalt
thuecat:wayTypeType 1
Property Value
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:MTR
schema:value 10765.21255
thuecat:wayTypeTitle @de Schotterweg
thuecat:wayTypeType 4
Property Value
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:MTR
schema:value 14696.03117
thuecat:wayTypeTitle @de Naturweg
thuecat:wayTypeType 2
Property Value
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:MTR
schema:value 1253.95421
thuecat:wayTypeTitle @de Pfad
thuecat:wayTypeType 3
Property Value
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:MTR
schema:value 1259.83513
thuecat:wayTypeTitle @de Straße
thuecat:wayTypeType 7
Property Value
Property Value
schema:unitCode thuecat:MTR
schema:value 411.62015
thuecat:wayTypeTitle @de Unbekannt
thuecat:wayTypeType 0
Property Value
dcterms:title @de Petersberg Nordhausen
dcterms:title @en Petersberg Nordhausen
rdfs:label @de Petersberg Nordhausen
rdfs:label @en Petersberg Nordhausen
schema:name @de Petersberg Nordhausen
schema:name @en Petersberg Nordhausen
thuecat:season thuecat:Apr
thuecat:season thuecat:Aug
thuecat:season thuecat:Jul
thuecat:season thuecat:Jun
thuecat:season thuecat:May
thuecat:season thuecat:Sep
Property Value
dcterms:title @de Anger Bad Frankenhausen
dcterms:title @en Anger square Bad Frankenhausen
rdfs:label @de Anger Bad Frankenhausen
rdfs:label @en Anger square Bad Frankenhausen
Property Value
schema:latitude 51.35805399998342
schema:longitude 11.100303000005457
schema:name @de Anger Bad Frankenhausen
schema:name @en Anger square Bad Frankenhausen
Property Value
thuecat:directions @de Bad Frankenhausen (Anger) - Kleine Wipper - Triangel - Barbarossahöhle - Steinthaleben - Badra - NSG "Schloßberg - Solwiesen" - Auleben - Hamma - Heringen (Helme) - Altes Schloß Heringen - Zorge - Freibad Bielen - Nordhausen (Petersberg, Turm St. Petri, Luthermeile Innenstadt)
thuecat:directions @en Bad Frankenhausen (Anger square) – Kleine Wipper – Triangel – Barbarossa Cave – Steinthaleben – Badra – 'Schloßberg - Solwiesen Conservation Area – Auleben – Hamma – Heringen (Helme) – Heringen old castle – Zorge – open-air pool Bielen – Nordhausen (Petersberg, St Petri Tower, Luther Mile town centre)
Property Value
schema:value @de Bad Frankenhausen (Anger) - Kleine Wipper - Triangel - Barbarossahöhle - Steinthaleben - Badra - NSG "Schloßberg - Solwiesen" - Auleben - Hamma - Heringen (Helme) - Altes Schloß Heringen - Zorge - Freibad Bielen - Nordhausen (Petersberg, Turm St. Petri, Luthermeile Innenstadt)
Property Value
schema:value @en Bad Frankenhausen (Anger square) – Kleine Wipper – Triangel – Barbarossa Cave – Steinthaleben – Badra – 'Schloßberg - Solwiesen Conservation Area – Auleben – Hamma – Heringen (Helme) – Heringen old castle – Zorge – open-air pool Bielen – Nordhausen (Petersberg, St Petri Tower, Luther Mile town centre)
thuecat:equipment @en Sturdy shoes
thuecat:equipment @de Festes Schuhwerk
Property Value
schema:value @de Festes Schuhwerk
Property Value
schema:value @en Sturdy shoes
thuecat:gettingThere @de Von der A71 kommend Abfahrt 3 (Heldrungen). Dann weiter auf der L3086 Richtung Heldrungen. Folgen Sie der B85 bis Bad Frankenhausen.
thuecat:gettingThere @en Coming from the A71, take exit 3 (Heldrungen) and continue on the L3086 towards Heldrungen. Follow the B85 to Bad Frankenhausen.
Property Value
schema:value @de Von der A71 kommend Abfahrt 3 (Heldrungen). Dann weiter auf der L3086 Richtung Heldrungen. Folgen Sie der B85 bis Bad Frankenhausen.
Property Value
schema:value @en Coming from the A71, take exit 3 (Heldrungen) and continue on the L3086 towards Heldrungen. Follow the B85 to Bad Frankenhausen.
thuecat:parking @de Am Anger sind Parkmöglichkeiten vorhanden. ( LINK)
thuecat:parking @en Parking is available on Anger ( LINK).
Property Value
schema:value @de Am Anger sind Parkmöglichkeiten vorhanden. (<a href="">LINK</a>)
Property Value
schema:value @en Parking is available on Anger (<a href="'30.3%22N+11%C2%B005'58.5%22E/@51.3587338,11.0993124,17.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d51.358421!4d11.09958?shorturl=1">LINK</a>).
thuecat:publicTransit @de Nach Bad Frankenhausen gelangen Sie von Heldrungen (nächster Bahnhof [DB-Regio]) mit dem Bus 492 ( FAHRPLAN). Nordhausen ist an das Netz der Deutschen Bahn direkt angebunden.
thuecat:publicTransit @en From Heldrungen – the nearest Deutsche Bahn regional railway station – you can get to Bad Frankenhausen on the number 492 bus ( TIMETABLE). Nordhausen is connected the Deutsche Bahn network.
Property Value
schema:value @de Nach Bad Frankenhausen gelangen Sie von Heldrungen (nächster Bahnhof [DB-Regio]) mit dem Bus 492 (<a href="">FAHRPLAN</a>). Nordhausen ist an das Netz der Deutschen Bahn direkt angebunden.
Property Value
schema:value @en From Heldrungen – the nearest Deutsche Bahn regional railway station – you can get to Bad Frankenhausen on the number 492 bus (<a href="">TIMETABLE</a>). Nordhausen is connected the Deutsche Bahn network.
thuecat:shortDescription @de Von den ehemaligen Schlachtfeldern des Bauernkrieges nach Nordhausen, wo die Reformation am schnellsten Einzug hielt.
thuecat:shortDescription @en From the former battle fields of the Peasants' War to Nordhausen, where the Reformation quickly came on stage.
Property Value
schema:value @de Von den ehemaligen Schlachtfeldern des Bauernkrieges nach Nordhausen, wo die Reformation am schnellsten Einzug hielt.
Property Value
schema:value @en From the former battle fields of the Peasants' War to Nordhausen, where the Reformation quickly came on stage.
thuecat:tip @de Besuchen Sie unbedingt das Panoramamuseum in Bad Frankenhausen, bevor Sie sich auf den Weg in den Südharz machen.
thuecat:tip @en Be sure to visit the Panorama Museum at Bad Frankenhausen before making your way into the Südharz region.
Property Value
schema:value @de Besuchen Sie unbedingt das Panoramamuseum in Bad Frankenhausen, bevor Sie sich auf den Weg in den Südharz machen.
Property Value
schema:value @en Be sure to visit the Panorama Museum at Bad Frankenhausen before making your way into the Südharz region.